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020725 Omni Dif. BtB-KC + Cafepress. Clue Club. BDL

Introducing The Magic of Immersive Learning—the surefire way to help your kids fall in love with reading!

Remember those epic days lost in books as a kid? The thrill of adventure, the rush of knowledge, the whispered "just one more chapter" at bedtime? Yeah, those.

Now, picture the kid in your life hooked on that feeling. Not just "meh" about learning, but buzzing with curiosity, devouring stories like pizza (and maybe even tidying their room in the process!).

Sound like magic? It is! The Magic of Immersive Learning, to be exact! ✨

Our revolutionary program ditches dusty lectures and plops your child right inside the story. Picture actually doing what goes on in the books, not just reading about it or even watching it.

But it's not just about helping kids enjoy learning. You, the cheerleading adult, benefit too! You can expect:

  • Hands-on training - Master the tools to spark your child's love of reading (without turning into a nag)
  • Unforced family bonding - When you dive into immersive experiences together, you can’t help but connect in new and meaningful ways that will make for fantastic memories for you all 
  • Your support squad - Get support and ideas from a community of peers just like you, all cheering each other on with how-to tips in our private online community
  • Expert hand-holding - Our resident family success coach is your secret weapon, ready to help with all your "What do I do now?" quandaries. And our content creator is at your disposal to guide you and pave the way to imagination and whimsy

So are you ready to watch your child transform from "Ugh, books" to "Can we do another lesson … pleeeeeeeease.”

We're launching our pilot program on January 29th (wooooohoooo), and being that it’s brand new, we’re offering it at more than 90% off with limited spots available to maximize the experience for our guinea pigs participants. 

And if you’re among the first 5 to sign up, you’ll get our Turbocharge Your Child's Education training for FREE! (That’s a $400 value, we’ll have you know!)

So, chuck the flashcards and grab your flashlights. Adventure awaits! ✨

Click here to snag your spot and unleash the learning lover within your child. Let's make books magical again, together!

Begins January 29, 2024