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020725 Omni Dif. BtB-KC + Cafepress. Clue Club. BDL

Dollars to Ducats = Savings

This holiday season, use Omni ducats and your dollar will go 20% further!

{because every day should be a holiday!}

Every $1 US you spend with Omni ducats between now and the end of the year is worth $1.20 in perpetuity. Basically, you'll save 20% on everything you order from us from gifts & books to workshops & online coursesπŸŽ— Plus, ducat-holders get early access to event reservations & special offers.

  • $25 gets you $30 in Omni ducats
  • $50 gets you $60 in Omni ducats
  • $75 gets you $90 in Omni ducats
  • $100 gets you $125 in Omni ducats (includes $5 extra in thanks)
  • $150 gets you $190 in Omni ducats (includes $10 extra in thanks)
  • $200 gets you $255 in Omni ducats (includes $15 extra in thanks)
Ducat Options

πŸŽ—We can't give you 20% off fundraisers or events hosted by our arts nonprofit Whimsicalitea, as that would defeat the philanthropy's purpose! So instead, you get 1st dibs on these events