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020725 Omni Dif. BtB-KC + Cafepress. Clue Club. BDL

Tell your tale in the 2022 anthology

It's that time of year, folks. Time for the ANNUAL ANTHOLOGY! This year's theme is ORIGINAL & TWEAKED FAIRY TALES based on the elements. The idea is you write a fairy tale of your own or re-work an existing tale, including one of the elements in it (the elements being fire, earth, wood, water, air, metal, soul-spirit)

You may submit a poem, a short story, a blurb, memory, or musing.

Examples: An original short ditty about an earthworm with wanderlust who goes on an adventure and learns there's no place like home ... or an upside down adaptation of Red Riding Hood where the wolf is the victim and the woods are carnivorous (... I'm guessing somebody's already done a reverse RRH, but since there's nothing new under the sun, just put your own spin on things) 

As usual, the compilation will come out mid-November. All proceeds (we usually net about $10 wooohooo) go to our Lyle Dagnen scholarship fund for neophyte writers and dragon riders. So far this year we've gifted more than $30K to artists, so your generous contributions to the anthologies are helping others make art! ❤


  • August 15 - Your intended topic. (You'll then have 6+weeks to write it. You can do it!) 
  • September 30 - Your finished edited piece, proofread by at least 1 other person. (Rough, non-edited submissions will not be usable) 
  • November 13 - Launch partea in SoCal followed by an arts fair


  • Microsoft Word or Google Docs 
  • Feel free to add bold and italics, but please, no fancy formatting 
  • Please do not ALL CAPS words to add emphasis, but do capitalize the personal pronoun "I" 
  • Please keep exclamation marks to one!!!
  • Word Count: haiku length - 3500 words

CONTACT: email to CestLaVieSirene@gmail.com

Can't wait to see what you come up with. Thanks and cheers! 😃