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020725 Omni Dif. BtB-KC + Cafepress. Clue Club. BDL

All Aboard the Sponsor Ship

A galleon of thanks to those who have reached out us to become sponsors of our Shared Treasure Hunt pirate-themed kids-helping-kids activity. 

That means you: 

O.E. Kelly . Jim Canty ~ State Farm . DJ Piper . Paris In A Cup Online . Pamela's Tea Room . Rhonda Rae . Illusions of the Past . Tess Moore . Positive News Media . Whimsicalidocious . JSD Johnston 

If you'd like to join our maiden voyage as well, select the sponsor ship that's right for you and your krewe

$125 - Sea Bandit 
Name on website

$250 - Brigand
Name on website
Name on thank-you page of promo kit

$500 - Privateer
Name on website
Name on thank-you page of promo kit
Name on social media

$1000 - Buccaneer
Name on website
Name on thank-you page of promo kit
Name on social media
Name in printed program for local kickoff events
Name in press release
Mention in 7 podcast episodes 

$2500 - Corsair
Name/logo on front page website
Name/logo on first page of promo kit
Name on social media
Name in printed program for local kickoff events
Name in press release
Mention in 11 podcast episodes 

$5000 - Legend
Name/logo in Shared Treasure Hunt banner
Name/logo on front page website
Name/logo on first page of promo kit
Name on social media
Name in printed program for local kickoff events
Name in press release
Mention in 11 podcast episodes 
Name in podcast written credits (21 times)

Email STH.Whimsy@gmail.com to request sponsorship