It is with great squee the Ocademy formally announces the appointment of Sanndi Thompson as Deputy Plenipotentiary for Gaia, Dim Q. Expect all manner of whimsical posts shared by her here. And do enjoy visiting her Sanndi Art page for treasures to ogle and even own! Bennmush, Sanndi!!!
020725 Omni Dif. BtB-KC + Cafepress. Clue Club. BDL
Omnimmersive Learning Experiences ~ the fun way to learn, live, & connect
Growing Eager Readers
umop Microschooling
Online Annex (course topics range from Paranormal to Dragoncare to Element Origins)
Reading Revolution
Lesson Leader Instruction
Broom Driver's License Class
Fairy Godmentor Certification
Scallywag Camp