It's been a tough go wrestling this compilation into shape with all that's been going on this year. All the more reason to lift a cuppa in triumph. For those unable to attend in person, we'll host a private Facebook Room so you can be with us virtually.
Friday, 6 November 2020
11am PDT
at Paris In A Cup tea salon and via Facebook Room
$47.50 for in-person event; includes hobnobbing with some of the authors at an in-person tea party replete with tea sandwiches, scones, sweets, and a copy of the book to be signed by contributors in attendance.
($5 discount for those who attended the portal-themed Coterie tea on August 15)
All reservations for in-person event are final which means we cannot offer refunds, however if you're unable to come for any reason, feel free to give your spot to a loved one.
Books will be available in digital and print formats on Amazon on 1 November 2020.