But mere words are not enough. Hands-on activities are paramount for a well-rounded education, and we supply a number of invaluable tools, in additions to the ones you'll want to acquire on your own to ensure your student's success.
Here is a sample supply list of typical classes and items needed:
- Textbook/s: Antediluvian Chronicling for Troglodytes, Flenning's Unexpurgated Promptory (with Maddlyb Concordance), Cyclopedia Omniverica
- Supplies as requested by Preceptor: Hourglass, Holographic Reversable Omniglobe, Black Hole Seed
- Course materials supplied by Axis: Macrowave Telescopes
- Textbook/s: Weltanschauung's Whos, Whys, What Ifs and Wherefors
- Supplies as requested by Preceptor: Decisiveness (Note: Those with split personalities must have written permission from their Emotional Counselor to take this class), Value of Life, A Backbone (preferably, your own)
- Course materials supplied by Axis: Moral Dilemmas and Embarrassing Situations
- Textbook/s: None
- Supplies as requested by Preceptor: A Flowing Chi
- Course materials supplied by Axis: Ninjas and Void Assassins to spar with
- Textbook/s: Around the Omniverse in 36.17854.98124 Sekkll
- Supplies as requested by Preceptor: Spyglass, Compass, Sextant, Sundial, Camera Obscura
- Course materials supplied by Axis: Omnisynchronous Satellites
- Textbook/s: None
- Supplies as requested by Preceptor: Top Hat, Tuxedo (with 2 long-sleeved shirts), White Gloves, Wand, Juggling Balls, Steel Rings set, Playing Cards, Assorted Colored Scarves, Mortar and Pestle, Carrots
- Course materials supplied by Axis: Iron Maiden, Aztec Tomb, Rabbits
- Textbook/s: None
- Supplies as requested by Preceptor: Abacus, Yo-yo, Boomerang, Slinky, Beach Ball, Miner's Hat with 2 Earwax Candles plus Wick Trimmer and Sweatproof Matches, Twin Bells Alarm Clock (or if they're still on backorder, an Egg Timer), Anemometer, A Sense of Wonder
- Course materials supplied by Axis: Delvecrafts
- Textbook/s: Reinventing the Wheel ... Again
- Supplies as requested by Preceptor: Spring-load Mousetrap, Rotary Telephone, Manual Typewriter, Gramophone, Level, Steel-toed Boots, Industrial Safety Goggles
- Course materials supplied by Axis: Thingamajiggers, What's-its, Doo-dads, Gadgets, Gizmos, Gears, Levers, Pulleys, Analog Circuitry, Ball Bearings
- Textbook/s: None
- Supplies as requested by Preceptor: Odor-Voider Nose Clamp, Impervious Antiseptic Gloves, Ear Plugs
- Course materials supplied by Axis: None