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020725 Omni Dif. BtB-KC + Cafepress. Clue Club. BDL

Course Materials sampling

Here at Omni, we place great value on the written word. Our preceptors work tirelessly to find only the best and most relevant textbooks available on the market today ... or ever, for that matter. 

But mere words are not enough. Hands-on activities are paramount for a well-rounded education, and we supply a number of invaluable tools, in additions to the ones you'll want to acquire on your own to ensure your student's success.

Here is a sample supply list of typical classes and items needed:

  • Textbook/s: Antediluvian Chronicling for Troglodytes, Flenning's Unexpurgated Promptory (with Maddlyb Concordance), Cyclopedia Omniverica
  • Supplies as requested by Preceptor: Hourglass, Holographic Reversable Omniglobe, Black Hole Seed
  • Course materials supplied by Axis: Macrowave Telescopes

  • Textbook/s: Weltanschauung's Whos, Whys, What Ifs and Wherefors
  • Supplies as requested by Preceptor: Decisiveness (Note: Those with split personalities must have written permission from their Emotional Counselor to take this class), Value of Life, A Backbone (preferably, your own)
  • Course materials supplied by Axis: Moral Dilemmas and Embarrassing Situations

  • Textbook/s: None
  • Supplies as requested by Preceptor: A Flowing Chi
  • Course materials supplied by Axis: Ninjas and Void Assassins to spar with

  • Textbook/s: Around the Omniverse in 36.17854.98124 Sekkll
  • Supplies as requested by Preceptor: Spyglass, Compass, Sextant, Sundial, Camera Obscura
  • Course materials supplied by Axis: Omnisynchronous Satellites

  • Textbook/s: None
  • Supplies as requested by Preceptor: Top Hat, Tuxedo (with 2 long-sleeved shirts), White Gloves, Wand, Juggling Balls, Steel Rings set, Playing Cards, Assorted Colored Scarves, Mortar and Pestle, Carrots
  • Course materials supplied by Axis: Iron Maiden, Aztec Tomb, Rabbits

  • Textbook/s: None
  • Supplies as requested by Preceptor: Abacus, Yo-yo, Boomerang, Slinky, Beach Ball, Miner's Hat with 2 Earwax Candles plus Wick Trimmer and Sweatproof Matches, Twin Bells Alarm Clock (or if they're still on backorder, an Egg Timer), Anemometer, A Sense of Wonder
  • Course materials supplied by Axis: Delvecrafts

  • Textbook/s: Reinventing the Wheel ... Again
  • Supplies as requested by Preceptor: Spring-load Mousetrap, Rotary Telephone, Manual Typewriter, Gramophone, Level, Steel-toed Boots, Industrial Safety Goggles
  • Course materials supplied by Axis: Thingamajiggers, What's-its, Doo-dads, Gadgets, Gizmos, Gears, Levers, Pulleys, Analog Circuitry, Ball Bearings

  • Textbook/s: None
  • Supplies as requested by Preceptor: Odor-Voider Nose Clamp, Impervious Antiseptic Gloves, Ear Plugs
  • Course materials supplied by Axis: None